December 2012 - Christmas Advent Celebtration
November 2012 - BREAKFAST THEATRE PRESENTATION - the Story of Jonah
October 2012 - Left in Charge: managing God's time, talent and treasure
September 2012 - Better Togather: being a community church
August 2012 - The Heart of Worship
July 2012 - Rev Gunnink away on vacation
June 2012 - When Life Hurts: Following Jesus thru Death, Divorce and Disaster
May 2012 - RGB Input: Your connection to God
April 2012 - From Christmas to the Cross - The Life of Jesus part 4
Mar 2012 - From Christmas to the Cross - The Life of Jesus part 3
February 2012 - From Christmas to the Cross, the life of Jesus part 2
January 2012 - From Christmas to the Cross the Life of Jesus part 1